Monday, November 7, 2011

Cosmetic Surgery - Popular Procedures for Men

Everyone loves to look and feel their best, which is one reason that cosmetic surgery is so popular of late. Most people would think that women are the only ones interested in cosmetic surgery, but in actuality, almost as many men have cosmetic surgery as women.

Both men and women struggle with self-esteem issues, and for many, cosmetic surgery is the answer to those problems. The boost they receive often helps them become more successful in other areas of their lives, such as career, marriage, etc. Men report that they feel more comfortable around women after having cosmetic surgery as well.

Most men who have cosmetic surgery have one of five main procedures: procedures to prevent or replaced lost hair, chest enlargement, manicures (gasp), sexual organ enlargement, and liposuction.

Many men start experiencing hair loss at an early age, and by the time they hit 40-45, are often very self-conscious about the issue. To counteract this problem, they undergo some form of cosmetic surgery, usually in the form of scalp reduction, hair transplants, or flap rotation. The most popular surgery of the three is transplant surgery, due to the quicker recovery time, and the fact that the surgery is less invasive and painful than other options.

Men are very showy when it comes to muscles, but for some, no matter how hard the work out or how often they lift weights, they are just unable to build up their chests as they wish, which is where chest enlargement surgery comes into play. This surgery uses implants to buff up those all-important chest muscles, giving the male a big ego boost that can help him in every aspect of life. There are strict after-surgery restrictions that have to be followed, but most men report that the results are well worth it.

Men also like to have their nails look clean and trim at all times, so many of them have manicures, and even pedicures on occasion. While they do not usually get artificial nails, they do have their fingernails and toenails trimmed, filed, shaped, and buffed, and many even have their cuticles done as well.

With so much focus on health and weight recently, many more men are starting to be self-conscious about their extra fat stores, and are turning to liposuction to help solve what they view as a problem. Liposuction is a great way to remove fat from places where dieting and exercise doesn't work, and can really help one get that lean, trim look they are striving for. Of course, if you don't continue an effective exercise and diet regimen the fat will come back, but it is a great way to get an extra boost.

We all know that men are touchy when it comes to penis size; no matter how many times women tell them they are fine. Men who have this type of cosmetic surgery do it to boost their ego, rather than for their partner's sexual pleasure, regardless of what they may say to the contrary. This surgery can add extra width to the penis, as well as elongate it.

Men have cosmetic surgery for many reasons, but surprisingly enough, it is often just an ego thing, more than anything else, and hey, that is okay!

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